Hello, I'm Jacksón 👋

I'm an Entrepreneur. I write stories, make games, cut code.

Headshot of Jacksón C. Smith

📖 Over the Transom

Penned by Jacksón, "Over the Transom" is for people who are thoughtful, curious, and hungry for zest.

Each edition presents you with:

  • 📚 Stories: a short story or chapter I'm working on, something strange or uncanny or funny to perk your day up and make you look upside down,
  • 🧙‍♂️ Quests: something I want to share with the world from one of my many quests (spice quest, smell quest, rhythm quest, character quest, ...),
  • ❤️ Friends: a spotlight on something amazing—art, ideas, poems—from one of my friends!

Subscribe to join the adventure—you can help shape future storylines, dive deep into the creative process, and gain early access to board games and projects!

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